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Apostle Sheila O'Brien is the Co-Founder and Co-Pastor of The Father’s Heart Christian Center. 

Working alongside her husband, Apostle Clive O'Brien with a mandate to turn the hearts of the people to God and teach them the fear of the Lord. Apostle O'Brien answered the call to ministry in August of 2000 at which time she was ordained and licensed by Apostle Dr. Debra Allen of New Hope World Outreach, Fort Lauderdale. 

In June 2003 she attended the Panorama Prophetic Institute and was activated prophetically to speak and flow by the Spirit of God in a supernatural manner into the lives of men and women; bringing about change, comfort, and exaltation. Possessing a love for teaching, she has been used mightily to expound on the Word of God through practical teaching. 

A mantle has been placed upon Apostle Sheila to minister in the areas of deliverance, reconciliation, the prophetic, and intercession. She has ministered and taught in the West Indies and the United States on the topics of spiritual warfare and spiritual authority. A mantle has also been placed upon her to teach the body of Christ the importance of the Ministry of Helps and its role in the church according to 1 Corinthians 12:28 (And God has appointed these in the Church…). 

This passion has prompted her to write a training manual and conduct Ministry of Helps Seminars which she has taught and established in various church organizations. Apostle O’Brien is a prolific transformational speaker. She has used her testimony to bring healing, breakthrough and deliverance to those that have been bound.  In 2012, She and her husband founded The Father’s Heart Christian Center. In March 2013, she was ordained and appointed into the office of an Apostle.  

Following retirement, Apostle Sheila O’Brien set her sights on entrepreneurship. It started with a nugget that was dropped in her spirit by the Holy Spirit. She heard three words: push, pursue, prosper. From that, she was given the scripture 3 John 1:2 the reads “Beloved I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers”. It’s more than just a business, its Ministry. Ministry designed to help women Push beyond their past, Pursue their dreams, and Prosper in all things. 

Apostle Sheila has been featured in K.I.S.H Magazine as a Legacy and Global Influencer. She is a graduate of Breakthrough Coaching and Leadership Academy with a certification as a professional Life and Purpose Coach. She is also a  certified International Chaplain. She is the founder and CEO of Sheila O’Brien Ministries Inc., 3P Coaching Services, Inc., and 3P Notary Service, Inc. She is the wife to Apostle Clive O’Brien to which they have one teenage daughter. 

Sheila O'Brien Ministries

PUSH beyond your past. PURSUE your dreams. 

PROSPER in all things.

Push. Pursue. Proper - Sheila O'Brien Ministries


A means by which I communicate with God and through this... He brings eternal change.


I'm led by my moral and ethical convictions to do the right thing regardless of the circumstance.


I walk by what I know to be true and not just what I see.


I endeavor to treat all people with respect and admiration.

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